Episode 235

Published on:

25th Oct 2024

Good News and Bad News for Upcoming Star Wars Movies

Hello there! Garry is flying solo this week to bring you up to speed on what's happening around the galaxy including...

The recent turmoil surrounding the upcoming Star Wars film, "New Jedi Order," which has lost its screenwriter, Stephen Knight, leading to further delays in production. Daisy Ridley's optimistic comments about the project now seem overshadowed by this setback, raising questions about the film's future.

On a more positive note, James Mangold's "Dawn of the Jedi" appears to be on track, with indications that filming could begin next year, exploring the origins of the Jedi in a captivating new storyline.

Additionally, intriguing hints from the upcoming "Skeleton Crew" series suggest connections to deeper Star Wars lore, particularly regarding the Sith's forerunners.

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Hello there and welcome to Spark of Rebellion. This is your weekly Star wars podcast and welcome to episode 235. Welcome aboard another episode, everyone.

My name is Garry, I'm one of your co hosts here at Spark Rebellion and it's one of those weeks where it's a solo show for me as my co host. Mark is currently really busy with the day job. He's had to do a bit of a. Bit of a layover over in that there London to get some work done.

So he's unfortunately unavailable to sit down and chat. Star wars this week. So it's going to be me running through a little bit of news. We were going to leave it this week but.

But some reasonably big news has dropped in relation to upcoming Star wars movies and the status of a certain couple of films.

I'm going to run you through that stuff and also a tasty little tidbit which could reveal some interesting stuff for the Skeleton crew, TV episode or TV series that's going to land literally in what, six weeks time, eight weeks time, something like that. So I'm going to run through that with you as well. So yeah, my name's Garry. I'm one of your hosts and I hope you have had a cracking week.

I hope you've done something Star Warsy and if not, I hope you are looking forward to something Star Warsy. Whether it's the upcoming Blu Rays. They're going to land soon. I think it's season three of the Mandalorian and Ahsoka.

They're dropping on blu ray and 4k blu ray very shortly. So yeah, if that's your bag and you're into your physical media and all that stuff, by all accounts they should look really good as well.

Anything that's that's filmed with a really decent quality stuff as the Star Wars TV streaming stuff is, then that'll look really good on the old big. The old big 4K TV with a Dolby Vision, all that stuff. So yeah, got some cool stuff to look forward to.

There's also rumors of a big Venator Starship Lego set dropping as well soon, which is huge, thousands of pieces. Bit of a detailed interior as well. That might be cool with Christmas around the corner. So keep an eye out for that.

We'll let you know if that's going to drop. But other than that, yes, I hope you are keeping well.

This is episode 235 and make sure you're following or subscribing to this podcast in whatever app you get your podcasts on so you won't miss 236onwards we put a new episode out most weeks normally where it's much myself and my co host on waffling through all the news. If one of us isn't around we'll pop a solo show out or we might take a week off here and there.

But generally speaking it is a weekly podcast episode so so make sure you are you are following to get all of that stuff. And a huge big thank you to our members and supporters who support us over@sparkbellion.com forward slash support.

Denise, Danny, Pascal, Kev, Mark, all you guys are very very cool and thank you very much for your continued support. And if you want to lob us some beer money if you like what we do here at Spark Rebellion then you can do that as well.

As I said spark rebellion.com support. You can also hit us up on the socials if you want to chat Star wars we we post little tidbits throughout the week in between episodes.

So come and get involved over there. We're on Twitter, Instagram, threads, all that stuff.

Just do a search for Spark of Rebellion podcast or you can go to sparkrebellion.com Twitter or/instagram that will take you straight over there. Give us a like and a follow and and start chatting with us about all the Star wars things.

Right, without further ado, let's crack into a few of these stories that have landed for this week.

Then the first one and this the first two stories are kind of weird because there are polar opposites of what's actually happening with a certain project. So a few days ago Daisy Ridley was doing some press for a different film.

It was for a movie called Magpie which is which was doing the rounds in terms of press junkets and whatnot. And Collider were doing their press events and they were doing a Q A with with Daisy and and her co star and some other people.

And as is always the case, anyone that's ever been in Star wars, regardless of whatever project they're being interviewed on, the subjects will always come round to something to do with Star Wars.

And because Daisy Ridley and the upcoming, supposedly upcoming film that she's meant to star in, the new Jedi Order stuff that's quite hot in terms of Star wars news at the minute.

So it's no surprise that she was asked about Star wars and she said they asked her can you give us some more information about the progress of New Jedi Order? She said very Short and sweet things are evolving. I continue to be very excited. There will be an update soon. So that's where she left it.

rd October:

Now that would have got fans excited if there wasn't this whole storm around the film being put on hiatus or indefinitely paused, whatever.

The last thing that we heard that was actual something tangible that was, sorry, factual out of Lucasfilm or Disney was that the film was put on hold just because they weren't happy with the script. Potentially a bit of the story. So narratively it wasn't quite clicking.

So they whacked it on hold and we were just going to wait to hear what was going to happen at some point, presumably next year, as we had a very similar situation with the Kenobi series where we were looking forward to that. And then there was a bit of a pause and then Ewan McGregor came out and said, you know, don't worry about it.

You know, this happens all the time with TV and film. Just needs a bit of refinement with the story to make sure we've. We're really happy with it and then we'll be back on board.

So it seemed like that was going to be the deal for this. So this was a couple of days ago, nothing really happened officially. And then Daisy Ridley said that she was excited and there'll be an update soon.

But then the rug has been pulled out from beneath everybody with this. So this is a story that was broadcast yesterday.

This comes from variety.com which announces officially that the new Jedi Order, the Daisy Ridley film, has lost its screenwriter, Stephen Knight. He has departed the project and we're not really sure why at this point.

ariety say that back in March:

So he didn't last. He didn't last very long on this one and has already done the offski. So, yeah, two stories and a tale of two halves.

We're not sure whether Dave, Daisy really.

Daisy really was aware of this and she said that was happening because in her statement a day or two before this, she says that she continues to be Excited and there'll be an update soon. Maybe from her point of view, she was just told by somebody, oh, yeah, we're going to make. We're going to break some news about this.

Potentially not the news that she was hoping for. Or it could just be that this has blindsided everybody.

There was meant to be a decent update about the film, and then Steven Knight's decided to leave. So they've had to pause whatever they were going to announce and now say that the project's gone back a few paces and whatever. So. Oh, man.

As usual, a little bit of a mess, really, with, with what's going on over at Lucasfilm and Disney where it concerns Star Wars.

And we really don't know what's going to happen at this point because the whole, the whole reason why they pause production or pre production on it is because they weren't happy with the script and some of the narrative and so on. So when you have your, your screenwriter leave, it's obvious you can read between the lines a little bit.

Although there's no official word as to why he's left. We can read between the lines and say, right, okay, the movie was paused because they weren't happy with the script and now the screenwriters left.

It's clear that he wasn't happy with what certain people where the direction they wanted to go in. He obviously wanted to take the film in certain direction that hasn't really gone down that well, it seems. So he's like, well, sod it then.

I'll see you later. Good luck with whoever else you get on to do it. So that's, that's what it seems in terms of timing anyway, what it seems has happened.

So there's no official word on who's going to replace him. All we know from Variety is that Lucasfilm is actively talking with potential writers who can now take on the story and push it.

oduction back until well into:

Once they've done that, then it needs to go through, you know, that process again of getting schedules sorted out and all the production stuff, logistics. So, guys, I think this is going to be. I think this Ray film is going to go one of two ways. This dawn of the Jedi film.

either going to be probably a:

And we guessed that one of them was going to be this Ray movie. But who knows what's going to happen with this now?

So this will either be now a:

They kicked the can down the road and then they've just decided, you know what, this is just more, more trouble than it's worth, so we'll get rid of it. So, yeah, that's the, that's the dealio with the dawn, the new Jedi Order film. Ray thinks it was going to be cool. Sorry, Ray.

Daisy Ridley thought it was going to be cool. Expecting an update. She's excited. And then literally within 24 hours, the screenwriters left and it's a bit of a mess already.

So we will keep you updated. Star wars listening, of course, if we get any more news on any new screenwriters that have jumped on board and any progress and whatnot.

But for now, I would just forget about this film for now. It's going to be a while before they get anything moving again. So, yeah, I'd forget about this one for a wee bit.

Moving on to some more movie news though, and this is slightly more positive. It's nothing, nothing too heavy, no big confirmation or anything.

But remember end of last year, beginning of this year, we spoke about James Mangold's dawn of the Jedi film. That seemed to be ticking along reasonably nicely.

There wasn't any big controversy around James leaving or staying or, you know, the production being indefinitely on, on pause or any of that rubbish that we've got some of the other projects.

And if every interview that he did, and again, when the subject got onto Star wars, he was always like, yep, you know, there's no reason to worry about anything at the minute. We're very, very early on in production. I'm ticking along nicely with it for now. It's all good and he was.

He was interviewed recently, and this was for. This was for. Where was he interviewed on this for? So he was basically doing around again, like this Daisy Ridley thing with the Magpie film.

He was doing the rounds about a different project. So his latest thing that he wants to get rocking and rolling is this Bob Dylan biopic which is meant to come out this December.

And that project is called A Complete Unknown, the Bob Dylan Thing. And sources have now said that they're aware of James Mangold's schedule, His. His creative schedule for his upcoming projects.

Now, this comes from a person called Daniel Reitman. So he is apparently a source within the sort of Hollywood industry and whatnot. He's. He often gets the scoop on, like, the Marvel stuff.

Disney Lucasfilm apparently gets a scoop on stuff. And he is saying that after the Complete Unknown is finished and done, he's all done with that.

Apparently his next project is going to be the Star wars film. So dawn of the Jedi could start filming next year. So this is great news, obviously.

So we know, obviously, that dawn of the Jedi is going to explore the origins of the Jedi, taking place way back in, like, the earliest era that we know of, within star wars, about 25,000 years, pre Skywalker stuff and all the rest of it. So that's always sounded very intriguing. Like when Mark and I first spoke through the concept for the film, we were both like, you know, we.

Our interest was peaked. We're like, okay, this could be cool, because we've never gone back that far before.

We've never seen the origins of the Force and how the Jedi found out about the Force and how they. Then, you know, whichever way around you want to do it, whether the Force created the.

The Jedi way or whether the Jedi were something else to begin with and then they adopted the Force and all that stuff, we've no idea. So it was. It does sound like a very cool thing.

And the good news is, so far, Touchwood, fingers crossed, things are moving in the right direction for James Mangold's movie, which is what we want to hear. So in. In stark contrast to the new Jedi Order film, this one seems to be okay. Now, I don't know the how.

How good this Daniel Reitman thing is with the validity of scoops and leaks or anything like that. You know, it's just a source that this is coming from. World of Real, by the way. Worldofreal.com R E E L Not real as in, you know.

And so we'll keep the post on this one as well, but so far, so good. And then lastly, I just want to finish up on this wee little update that we've got for Skeleton Crew, which hints at some.

Something else that's way back in the past, which is the origins of the Sith forerunners and also a slight connection with the Ahsoka stuff. So Empire Magazine, their latest issue, they've got some.

They've got a whole section on Skeleton Crew, and they've put a new or a couple of new photos in there. And one of them is the character, you know, Jude Law's character. That's who's quote unquote, a Jedi.

There's a picture of him, and he's studying what looks like inscriptions on a. On a cave wall somewhere. And what we think he's studying is a language called Urquitat, which is the early version of the Sith language, basically.

And this comes from a race called the Peridians. And the Peridians are apparently the forerunners to the Sith.

So this is going like, way back before, like the whole Rule of Two, the Sith Lords, all that stuff. This is way, way back. So this photo is really interesting.

And the reason why is because the show Skeleton Crew was often viewed, especially when we got that trailer that dropped a little while ago. It's often been spoken about and viewed as this kind of almost detached bit of Star wars storytelling where it doesn't.

It doesn't feel like there's lightsabers in it. There's no, you know, there's little bits to do with the Force, but there's no. There's no lightsabers. There's no Jedi versus Sith. There's not.

It's not like your typical Star wars thing. And it was meant. Well.

It's often been perceived as this little Goonies in space thing that's like this story out on the periphery that's its own fun little, little thing.

However, based on this photo and a little bit more information that's dropped, we now know that Skeleton Crew isn't confirmed to be set in what's called Wild Space, which is an unexplored sector of space that includes the very outskirts of the galaxy. So it looks like this is going to continue the. Some of the things that they. They did in Ahsoka.

So what I mean is, in Ahsoka, they kind of, you know, when they did the whole thing where they traveled to the first time that in live action, at least they traveled to Peridia, which is that sort of extra galactic world that seemed to pinpoint the origin of the Empire, which was Even older than the Jedi Order and all that stuff, you know, with the whole whales thing. And they, they went to outside of the, the typical Star wars galaxy.

So it looks like this connection between the two shows is, is now confirmed because the Peridians, such as said forerunners to the Sith in Ahsoka, they go to Peridia.

And now in Skeleton crew, with this photo, Jude Law's character is studying Urquhart, which is the language of the Peridians and the forerunners of the Sith. So there's actually a bit of a connection here between these shows. So that's really interesting.

I would say that the, the bulk of this show is probably still going to be the Goonies in Space vibe. That's what it looked like, looks like to me. But.

But based on these little nuggets of info that we've now got and these extra picks, it feels like there's going to be an undertone of some, some deeper Star wars lore that's going to go on here. So I'm not sure if this is going to be another subtle little retcon, which they, which they kind of did with Ahsoka, I guess.

Yeah, they kind of did that. So who knows. But at least again, this is good news.

At least we've got some extra info that's gonna keep the hype going a little bit for skeleton Crew when that, when that lands shortly. So there we go. That skeleton crew on the surface at least looks like a fun Stranger Things Goony sort of thing.

But it looks like we are getting some cool, more Star wars lore thrown in there, which is really good. So I'm, I'm really interested in this show. I think it's. I don't think it's going to set the world on fire.

I don't think it's going to be up there with something like Mandalorian season one and two and, and that stuff. However, I think this is going to be better than the Acolyte, which I know is not.

Which, depending on your view on the Acolyte is not going to be that difficult. But I do think this is going to have a fun, A fun A vibe to it. So, yeah, I can't remember when this lands. I think.

I'm sure it's in December or the end of November, something like that. December 3rd. There we go. That's when it starts streaming on Disney Plus. So not too long to wait. The end of October now.

So this is probably seven, eight weeks to go. So that is your Star wars news roundup. And that will conclude episode 235, Spark of Rebellion. Cheers ears. Star wars listener.

It's We've had a couple of interesting little stories there break in regards to upcoming Star wars movies now. Yeah, it's no surprise, is it? I'm 99 sure that if Mark was here and we were talking through this, he wouldn't be surprised one bit.

You know, as we're talking through these stories, his surprise face would just be blank expression. And I'm assuming yours were very similar as well, listeners. So it's one of those things, isn't it? I don't know.

I don't know what's going on over there. But yeah, hopefully better news is around the corner, I'd imagine in the new year. I would say.

oo heavy for the remainder of:

But for now at least we've got skeleton crew around the corner. So thank you for listening to another episode.

I will be back either solo or with Mark next week for episode 236 where we'll run through all the latest Star wars news. So make sure you are following or subscribing to the show.

Wherever you get your podcasts, just give us a like and a follow so you get the automatic notification when a new episode lands, which will be every Saturday. You can also listen online over@sparklevallion.com and once again, thank you so much to our supporters over@sparklevallion.com support.

That's where you can sign up as well if you like the show. You want to lob us some beer money. Thank you very much for all your continued support. It's. It's very, very much appreciated.

And on that note, we will see you next time. So until then, take care of yourselves and may the Force be with you always.

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Kevbot Loves Lobot and Probot £5
Won 5 credits on an Imperial scratch card (found three Chewbacca heads in a line) and thought, instead of spunking it on Blur Milk, I’d give it to you
Kevinski Wangwaiver. £5
I’ve only gone and won a game of Sabacc against bloody Lando Calrissian (the suave devil) and wanted to send you some well needed Mon Cal Flans.
See Threepekev. £3
Bloody Jabba The Hutt forced me to change my details with the Trade Federation. Didn’t want you guys taking out a bounty on my head.
Kevy Wank Enobi £5
Found a few Aldhani credits. Could have gone to Canto Bight and spent a night with a Sulustian at Space Hooters but thought it’s better spent here.
Kev £5
Cheers guys. Love ya more than Jar Jar getting frisky with a Jawa.
Anonymous £3
Great hosts make a great show! Keep it coming 👍🏼
Garry A £10
The feeling is mutual, Mark, love it! Here's my "Creator Contribution" :)
Mark A $10
Loving creating the show with you, Gaz, so wanted to show my appreciation!
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About the Podcast

Spark of Rebellion, A Star Wars Podcast
The weekly Star Wars news roundup for busy fans who want to stay up to date!
For all the Star Wars enthusiasts out there, we've got your weekly fix! Life can get busy, but don't let it keep you from your first love – Star Wars. Spark of Rebellion is here to bridge the gap, delivering a comprehensive roundup of Star Wars news in a digestible and fun format.

Whether you're a prequel aficionado, original trilogy devotee, or sequel enthusiast, our podcast covers it all – from movies and animation to books, comics, and the latest rumours circulating in the galaxy far, far away!

Produced by Garry Aylott and Mark Asquith, the podcast releases every single Saturday. Whether you're commuting, hitting the gym, walking the dog, or just tidying up at home, Spark of Rebellion is your go-to Star Wars companion, ensuring you stay connected to the epic universe you adore!

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About your hosts

Garry Aylott

Profile picture for Garry Aylott
Garry is a senior designer with 15+ years of experience, currently Head of Design at Captivate. His love of pop culture is infectious, as heard in his podcasts about Star Wars, Doctor Who, classic British sci-fi, and more. You’ll find him travelling, gaming, and appreciating a bloody good cup of tea.

Mark Asquith

Profile picture for Mark Asquith
Mark is a pop culture geek with a love for anything with good mythology. He loves talking Star Wars past, present and future and is also the founder of podcast company Rebel Base Media, who make Captivate.fm.